An All Vegetarian Thai Red Curry With Tofu

February 16, 2016

Thai curries are quick, wholesome and flavors on steroids. While I make a dozen variations of the curry, this one happens to be an all vegetarian red curry version with tofu. Serve it over a plate of steamed white rice, or simply have it as a soup -- this quick version is a blessing for those chaotic week nights.

Store bought Thai curry paste works just fine -- you can find it in your local Asian store or even in your supermarket's International aisle. Among the several brands I have tried, my top favorites are  Mesri and Thai Kitchen. If using the former, do remember that it's spicy -- hence, use sparingly.

Serves 6


  • 1 14 oz. packet of firm, organic tofu
  • 2 medium yellow squash
  • 1 small 8 oz. can of bamboo shoots
  • 1 small carrot pealed and cut 
  • 1 small pepper (of your choice) cut into small strips
  • Handful of chopped kale
  • 1 13.5 oz. can of coconut milk
  • Red curry paste of your choice
  • Oil
  • Ginger
  • Cilantro, lime and scallion for garnish


Cut tofu in small squares, lay it on a paper towel and blot the excess water.

1.Heat 2 -3 tsp of oil.

2. Add grated ginger. For this I used around 1/2 " of ginger piece. Fry for a minute.

3. Add red curry paste. (As I was using Mesri, I used half of the 8-oz-can). Fry for 1-2 minutes with the ginger.

4. Add the tofu pieces. Allow it to cook with the paste for around 2-3 minutes on medium heat.

5. Add all vegetables except kale. Fry all on medium heat for a 2 minutes or until well  mixed with the paste.

6. Add coconut milk. Adjust consistency by adding water. Since we were having it as soup, I added a cup of water to the milk. 

7. Cover and let it simmer - around 4 minutes or until the vegetables have cooked to desired consistency.

8. Add kale. Allow the green to simmer in the curry.

9. Add a splash of lime juice, garnish it with cilantro and scallions and enjoy!


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